3a. Program Guidelines and Requirements

21st Century Program Descriptions

Elementary Middle School (K-8) Programs: There are three program components: after school, before school, and supplemental.

  • 21st CCLC core (also known as base) after and before school funding is provided to operate a program during the regular school year, either traditional or year-round.
  • Supplemental funding is available to operate a program beyond the 180 regular school days or during any combination of nonschool days, including weekends, holidays, summer, or intersession recess periods. A supplemental program may be offered to students during normal school hours on days when school is not in session.

Before school funding (both core and supplemental programs) is provided at the rate of $5.00 per regular school year day for each proposed participating student. After school funding (both core and supplemental programs) is provided at the rate of $7.50 per regular school year day for each proposed participating student. Scope of Operation Supplemental Programs: Applicants proposing to operate both the before school and after school component during the weekend, summer, intersession, or vacation periods must be open for a minimum of 4.5 hours per day. Operating only a before school program is not allowed under the 21st CCLC program.

Program Requirements

Collaborative Planning: Applicants are required to plan their programs through a collaborative process that includes parents, youths, representatives of participating schools, government agencies (e.g., cities, counties, parks and recreation departments, and libraries), community organizations, and the private sector. Supplement Not Supplant 21st Century program grant funds must be used to supplement existing services and may not be used to supplant federal, state, local, or nonfederal funds. Programs may not use 21st Century program funds to pay for existing levels of service funded from any other source. Staffing Requirements The maximum allowable student to staff ratio is 20:1. All program staff who provide direct supervision to students must meet at least the minimum qualifications for an instructional aide. In addition program volunteers must be appropriately qualified to serve as volunteers in accordance with requirements in the school district(s) in which the participating school(s) is located and must undergo a health (TB) screening and fingerprint clearance.

Minimum Program Operational Requirements

The minimum operational requirements for ALL Before and After School Programs (BASP) are:

All Core Programs - Elementary, Middle

  • The afterschool program must allocate program time for academic, enrichment, and physical/recreation activities. Family Literacy activities are required for ALL 21st CCLC grantee sites.
  • The minimum student attendance number is based on grant allocation and CDE guidelines.
  • Scope of Operation:
    • program operates a minimum of 3 hours a day, 15 hours a week, 180 academic days • must be open and have staff available until at least 6:00 pm
    • An Academic Liaison is required to work collaboratively with the Site Coordinator to ensure that after school activities complement and are aligned with the regular school day and project goals for accelerating academic success, literacy development, and social and cultural enrichment.
  • Students, parents, and staff must participate in UCB/CDE evaluations.


  • Vendors, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), School Administrators and Site Coordinators must be aware of their program's attendance requirements.
  • The Site Coordinator and Academic Liaison must attend all required meetings and workshops.
  • The BASP must:
    • adhere to CDE and USDOE guidelines for Nutrition and Physical Activities
    • adhere to UCB spending policies and procedures
    • take part in one official site visit each program year
    • Program must maintain maximum staff to student ratio of 1:20 not including the Site Coordinator.


  • Programs are required to:
    • retain copies of their students' daily sign in and sign out forms, have an early release policy for each applicable student and have signed permission slips from a parent/caregiver indicating if they may take the bus or walk home.
    • Retain copies of staff (site coordinator, program activity leaders, certificated staff, etc.) daily sign in and sign out forms
    • Maintain and submit required Federal Program Monitoring documentation on a regular basis
    • Maintain and submit supporting documentation for all project expenditures
    • have a clearly written emergency plan and conduct at least one Emergency Drill each semester with all students and staff
  • All Site Coordinators must enter attendance into CitySpan on a weekly basis and submit monthly attendance records to UCB by the 10th of each month, and submit the Monthly Program Reports by the 10th of each month.

Minimum Grade Level Program Requirements

Elementary School Programs

The minimum requirements for Elementary (K-5) Before and After School Programs (BASP) are:

  • Students must:
    • attend 5 days a week
    • stay for the entire length of the program
    • sign time in and sign time out for each day attended

Middle School Programs

The minimum requirements for Middle School (Gr 6-8) Before and After School Programs (BASP) are:

  • Students must:
    • attend 3 days a week
    • stay for the entire length of the program
    • sign time in and sign time out for each day attended

Supplemental Before and After School and Programs (K-8 Schools)

Supplemental programs (a program beyond the 180 regular school day academic year or any combination of nonschool days, including weekends, holidays, summer, or intersession recess periods) may be offered by schools receiving supplemental funding or by high school programs. The minimum requirements for Before School Programs are:

  • Program:
    • Operate for at least one and one-half hours per regular school day.
    • Not count for attendance a pupil who attends less than one-half of the daily program hours.
    • Offer a breakfast meal that meets the requirements of California Education Code section 49430.
    • Before and After Supplemental programs must be open for a minimum of 4.5 hours per day.
  • Students must:
    • sign time in and sign time out for each day attended