The ELP is experiencing a shortage of staff which is a national and statewide problem. We are required to have a sufficient number of staff to supervise students to ensure a safe environment. The majority of our staff are college students and their school obligations may affect their availability to work. In extreme cases, if there are not enough staff available to work, the ELP program will close for the day. You will receive a notification at least 24 hours prior to a planned program closure day. Next week is Spring Break for many campuses and some staff will be absent so we are anticipating limited staffing.
There may also be days when the ELP program will close without advance notice due to an emergency such as extreme weather, power outages, or lockdown. In that case staff will wait with your child(ren) until they can be picked up.
If we do not have enough staff to operate the program safely you will receive a message via, email, Class Dojo, or a phone call from your school and/or the ELP Site Coordinator asking you to pick up your child(ren) as soon as possible before the end of the ELP due to a staff shortage.
We are seeking to hire additional staff, if you know someone who enjoys working with children and who is available during ELP hours please refer them to your ELP Site Coordinator. The job pays $25 per hour. Please help us keep the ELP running! Thank you for your support! Please contact your ELP Site Coordinator if you have any questions.