All students sign in/out must be documented using a standardized (Cityspan) or UC Berkeley sign in/out sheet from the ELP. All students must be signed out by an authorized adult unless specific written permission has been obtained from the parent/guardian.
Procedures for dismissal of students participating in the ELP program are as follows: If the parents of a student enrolled in the ELP program is requesting approval for Early Release, the student must first report to the ELP program. The parent must request an early release form from the Site Coordinator or instructor stating the reason for the early release and sign and return the form to the instructor prior to the student leaving the school campus. The parent or authorized adult must sign out and the reason must be indicated on the sign out sheet.
If a parent is requesting an Early Release for a student participating in a parallel program, an early release form must be completed indicating the days, time, and duration of the period for the early release. The form may be kept on file for the period approved. After the early release has been approved, the student must be signed out of the ELP. If the student returns to the ELP on the same day, they must sign in again.
The ECUC ELP dismissal policy includes the utilization of a 15 minute window of time before the close of program for parents to pick up their children. This 15 minute timeframe accommodates specific community needs that necessitate a staggered pick up/dismissal schedule. Under this written early release policy, student dismissal during the 15 minute time period does not require use of early release forms or indicating a specific reason for departure from the program, and students will be documented as having fully participated in the ELP.