5. Early Release & Late Arrival Policies

Attendance Expectations & Requirements

ECUC schools operate Free 21st Century grant funded, comprehensive Expanded Learning Programs (ELP) daily during the regular school year and during summer and some non-school days. 21st Century ELP programs are required to begin immediately at the end of the regular school day, operate a minimum of 15 hours per week, and remain open at least until 6:00 PM on every regular school day. Summer and non-school day programs operate for 7.5 hours per day.

California Department of Education (CDE) Student Attendance Expectations

It is the intent of the California Legislature that elementary school pupils participate in the full day of the Expanded Learning Program (ELP) until 6 pm every day that students attend. If a student is unable to attend the ELP until 6:00 pm every day, the parent/guardian must complete and submit for approval a request for Early Release and the reason(s) for requesting an Early Release prior to the student leaving the campus. 

Priority for enrollment will be given to students who can attend every day and stay until 6:00 pm. A periodic review of attendance will be conducted to ensure priority enrollment is given to those students.